Startseite / Kurskatalog / Arrival management into multiple airports

DAS A² → DAS A² English

Arrival management into multiple airports

The course aims to provide participants with a general understanding of concepts related to arrival management at multiple airports. They will have the opportunity to learn about the DFS environment and how these concepts are implemented at ACC Langen for Cologne-Bonn/Duesseldorf. Participants will also have the chance to discuss the application of these concepts to their own cases. Additionally, visits to Cologne-Bonn Tower will offer practical insights and firsthand experience on the interaction of A-CDM between the Tower and the area and approach control center (for managing ARR/DEP).

Course duration
5 days

Target Audience
This course is designed for individuals who are experienced air traffic controllers, ATS experts, ATC instructors, air traffic flow management experts, flight procedure designers, airspace design and management experts.

Main course content
a) Keys concepts relating to arrival management into multiple airports

b) Airspace and Flight Procedures
DFS environment:
o Airspace structure in Germany.
o Airspace focus in Langen ACC: Classification. Volumes. Traffic figures. Sector configuration.
Environmental matters. Military areas and P/R/D Areas.
o Instrument Flight Procedures to/from Cologne-Bonn and Duesseldorf airports.
o Multiple Use of Airspace Concept.

Application in real life at ACC Langen for Cologne-Bonn/Duesseldorf. Focus on airspace & flight

c) Operational adaptations and Air Traffic Services
DFS environment:
o Personnel and rostering.
o Licensing and schemes.
o LoAs between ACC and TWR

Application in real life at ACC Langen for Cologne-Bonn/Duesseldorf. Focus on ATS.

d) Technology and Systems
DFS environment:
o AMAN to Cologne-Bonn/Duesseldorf airports.
o Interoperability in TFPS.
o Studies for integrated AMAN/DMAN.

Application in real life at ACC Langen for Cologne-Bonn/Duesseldorf. Focus on Technology and Systems.

e) Brainstorming with ANSPs regarding airports located in the vicinity of each other.

f) Visit to Düsseldorf Tower
See interaction of A-CDM between Tower and area and approach control centre (for managing of

Number of participants:
10 people per course.

Termin 1: 26/09/2024 Termin 2: 10/10/2024

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